Which Acid Peel to Choose?

Acid Peel peeling is a well-liked beauty procedure that can have amazing effects on your skin. It enables you to attain a smooth, rejuvenated, and youthful complexion. However, how can you select the appropriate one?

In this article, you will learn about the types of chemical peels and how to match them to your individual skincare needs. You will also read about the effects of using peels and what to consider when choosing them.

Types of Acid Peel

Choosing the right acid for skincare is crucial to achieve desired results. Cosmetic acids are divided into three main groups: AHA, BHA, and PHA, each with slightly different effects and recommended for different skin types.

Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs): This is a group of water-soluble acids, including glycolic and lactic acid. AHAs are known for their moisturizing and exfoliating properties. They are perfect for dry and aging skin, as they help combat fine lines and wrinkles, as well as increase skin hydration.

BHA Acids (Beta Hydroxy Acids): The most popular representative of this group is salicylic acid, which is soluble in fats. BHA acids are particularly recommended for oily, combination, and acne-prone skin. This is because they help unclog pores and reduce inflammation.

PHA Acids (Polyhydroxy Acids): These are acids with larger molecules than AHA and BHA, which means they work more gently. PHA acids are suitable for sensitive skin prone to irritations and allergies. They moisturize, have anti-aging properties, and also strengthen the skin’s protective barrier.

When choosing an acid for skincare, it is important to consider its needs and specificity. It is also good to start with lower concentrations to minimize the risk of irritation. Especially if the skin has not been previously accustomed to using acids.

When choosing the right product, it is also worth seeking advice from a specialist who will help select the most appropriate type of acid for your skin’s individual needs.

Citric Acid Peel – effects of use

Chemical peeling is a procedure that brings many benefits to the skin. Its effects depend on the type of acid used and the individual needs of the skin, but overall, several key advantages of its application can be observed.

Firstly, acid peeling effectively exfoliates dead skin cells, which contributes to refreshing and smoothing the skin. Regular use of this treatment can significantly improve the texture of the skin, making it smoother and more radiant.

Another advantage is the reduction of discolorations and the evening out of the skin tone. Thanks to deep exfoliation, acid peeling can help reduce the visibility of pigmentation spots and acne scars. This is particularly important for people struggling with uneven skin tone.

Acid Peel

Acidic peeling

It is also effective in combating fine lines and wrinkles. They stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, which are crucial for maintaining skin firmness and elasticity. Regular use of acid peels can contribute to reducing the visibility of fine wrinkles, improving the overall appearance of the skin.

In addition, acid peels can provide relief for people struggling with acne. They help in unblocking pores and reducing the number of breakouts, as well as regulating sebum production. This is particularly important for individuals with oily or combination skin.

It is also worth mentioning that acid peels can help prepare the skin for further cosmetic treatments, enhancing the absorption of subsequent skincare products.

Contraindications for Acid Peel Treatment

Although chemical peels are generally safe and effective, there are a few contraindications to consider before deciding to undergo such a procedure. It should be noted that chemical peels, like any cosmetic intervention, may not be suitable for all skin types and certain health conditions.

First and foremost, acid peels are not recommended for individuals with an active skin infection, such as herpes. Nor for those with inflammatory dermatological conditions, like psoriasis or eczema.

The condition can be aggravated by the action of acids, which can lead to further irritation or infection.

People with very sensitive skin, prone to allergic reactions or irritations, should also avoid acid peels or at least consult their use with a dermatologist.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding are additional contraindications. Because some active ingredients used in peels may not be safe for the developing child or may penetrate into the mother’s milk.

Individuals who have recently undergone invasive cosmetic or dermatological procedures, such as laser therapy, deep chemical peels, or treatments involving the use of Botox, should also avoid acid peels during the recovery period.

It is also important to avoid using acid peels during periods of intense exposure to sunlight. For example, in the summer, as this may increase the risk of discoloration and irritation.

It is always advisable to consult with a specialist before undergoing acid peels, who will assess the condition of the skin and determine whether the treatment is appropriate and safe in the given case.

Important Information When Using Chemical Peels

When we decide to undergo an acid peel, it is important to remember a few key principles that will ensure the safety and effectiveness of the procedure. Before beginning acid exfoliation, especially if it is our first time or if we have sensitive skin, it is always worth performing an allergy test. This will minimize the risk of unwanted allergic reactions.

Regardless of whether we do the peeling in a beauty salon or at home, the skin may be slightly irritated after the treatment. In a salon, this reaction can last up to two days, while with the use of home skincare products, the irritation usually subsides quickly. It is important to take care of intensive moisturization of the skin after the treatment, using creams and serums with moisturizing and regenerating properties.

Sun protection is a crucial element after an acid peel. It is important to use creams with a high SPF 50 filter to avoid the formation of discoloration and additional skin damage from UV radiation. Remember that the skin is particularly sensitive and susceptible to the negative effects of the sun after a peel.

Additionally, it is worth avoiding the use of other aggressive cosmetic procedures or strong products with retinol and other acids for a few days after a chemical peel, in order to not strain the skin. Proper post-treatment care, including gentle cleansing and avoiding vigorous rubbing, also contributes to faster skin regeneration.

Frequently Asked Questions – Questions and Answers

What are the types of acid peels?

Sour peels are divided into several types depending on the acid used. The most popular ones are peels with glycolic acid, lactic acid, salicylic acid, and almond acid.

Who are acid peels recommended for?

Chemical peels are recommended for individuals who want to improve skin texture, reduce discoloration, wrinkles, acne, or enlarged pores.

How often can acid peels be used?

The frequency of using acid peels depends on the type of acid and its concentration. Typically, they are applied once every few weeks under the supervision of a cosmetologist.

Is acid peeling safe?

Chemical peels are safe when performed by an experienced specialist, and proper aftercare, including sun protection, is followed.

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